305 Sealed from Beth Goyim on Vimeo.
305 Sealed
Eph 1:13 Furthermore, you who heard the message of the truth, the Good News offering you deliverance, and put your trust in the Messiah were sealed by him with the promised Ruach HaKodesh,
Eph 1:14 who guarantees our inheritance until we come into possession of it and thus bring him praise commensurate with his glory.
What is praise commensurate with His glory mean to you? Now in many cultures around the globe there are different ways of looking at things. In many cultures there are different priorities to things ranging from education to sports. For those people who are descendents of Avraham and Yitzchak education is first and foremost in their lives. In many other cultures education is not high on the chart. For those of us who desire to live with our King for eternity, education of the word is essential. If we are supposed to have the Ruach telling us what is good and what is bad according to Adonai’s word. Then what would be praise commensurate with His glory that a truly sealed person would have? And do you have that seal on you? If something has to be commensurate with His glory? Don’t you think it should be like Yeshua? What is the greatest form of flattery? It is to copy that person, right? So if we are to give praise commensurate with His glory then we must begin to act like Yeshua. Learn the keys to being sealed and give praise commensurate with His glory and learn what happens if you don’t.
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