E271 Parash 002 Noach (Genesis)
Some of the most profound teachings from Yehovah are found in this Torah Portion
Gen 7:6 Noach was 600 years old when the water flooded
the earth.
This picture of people experiencing the flood I believe really captures the fear
when you have to pay for the sin of the heart. Most people do not think an hour
in advance, much less eternity. The sad case is we should think of eternity for
it is a long time to be in a place you don’t want to be in. Or a place you
didn’t think was real when this life ends and eternity begins.
In this torah portion teaching we will discuss “Male & Female”, the “Rainbow”
and its true biblical meaning. We will discuss how animals have souls and how
this is proven by this portion. We will discuss corruption of the heart and the
price one must pay for corruption. But…most of all we will discuss redemption
for the wholehearted and how a single married man can save his whole family by
his walk with the one true King.
Always remember Yeshua the Messiah is the same yesterday, today and forever.
is and always will be a Jew.