2014-2015 CYCLE
Parash 13 Sh’mot 1:1-6:1
The Book of Sh’mot (Exodus)
First part 7 sections
(1) the preparation for the saving work of Yehovah, through the multiplication
of Israel into a great people and their oppression in Egypt (Exo 1), and through
the birth and preservation of their liberator (Exo 2);
(2) the call and training of Moshe to be the deliverer and leader of Israel (Exo
3 and 4);
(3) the mission of Moshe to Pharaoh (Exo 5-7:7);
(4) the negotiations between Moshe and Pharaoh concerning the emancipation of
Israel, which were carried on both in words and deeds or miraculous signs
(5) the consecration of Israel as the covenant nation through the institution of
the feast of Passover;
(6) the exodus of Israel effected through the slaying of the first-born of the
Egyptians (Exo 12-13:16); and
(7) the passage of Israel through the Red Sea, and destruction of Pharaoh and
his host, with Israel's song of triumph at its deliverance (Exo 13:17-15:21).